Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Toronto 2014

We took a long trip over Memorial Day weekend north of the border to Toronto. Since the kids now had their passports from the trip to Mexico, we decided we'd get some more use out of them. We visited Steffanie's friend through a brain tumor support group in Toronto and spent a little time with her family. It was a quick trip but we got in as much as we could while we were there, including a trip to Niagara Falls.
On the first full day in Toronto, the boys and I took the street cars down to the CN Tower while Steffanie and her friend Tracy went to get some new ink.
CN Tower
The CN Tower is 147 stories tall, is the tallest free-standing structure in the Western Hemisphere and has the world's highest public observation deck at 1,465 feet!
There were 3 different observation levels in the tower including the LookOut, Glass Floor and the SkyPod. The boys enjoyed laying down on the glass floor which gives you a view straight down at 1,122 feet. The SkyPod is the highest observation point and is another 33 stories above the LookOut. To get to the SkyPod, you had to take a separate elevator.
The Toronto Blue Jays were playing in the Rogers Centre, which is right next to the CN Tower. So in addition to the numerous hot dog vendors, were the local street entertainment. This guy, painted all in silver, was a silent Elvis poser? The boys each dropped a "loonie" (Canadian dollar coin) into the tip can for a picture.
Colin found a cheaper mode of transportation back to the hotel after visiting the CN Tower.
The Hotel
The hotel was nice and in a convenient location to where Steffanie's friend lived. One of the fun things about the hotel was the water slide that went outside of the building and looped back around, shooting you into the pool. The boys also liked the interactive robot that was in the lobby each evening. They would go up to it and have a conversation with it. Imagine applying for a job as the "lobby robot".
Hard Rock Cafe
No trip would be complete without a visit to the Hard Rock Cafe. This is a definite stop for me and Steffanie as she collects the shirts, and I, the ball caps.
The boys were pretty stoked to see a pair of Eminem's shoes on display at the HRC.
Niagara Falls
It's about an hour and a half trip from Toronto to Niagara Falls. On a clear day with a good set of binoculars, you can see the falls from the CN Tower. One of the biggest challenges I noticed about getting a good picture of the falls is contending with the constant mist.
You can see all of the people in yellow water gear in the boat heading towards the falls. I believe I heard they lose one to two people a day from the boat, but they're usually Canadian.
In these pictures you can see the US side and the Canadian side and what a difference there is between the two. Visiting from the Canadian side gives you a much clearer view of both sides of the falls.