UCSF - Steffanie's Surgery

Steffanie's Surgery
June 29th, 2009

Steffanie's surgery was 8 hours long. The early pathology report confirmed their diagnosis as a Oligo-dendro-glioma (easier to pronounce when hyphenated.) This was a grade 2 slow growing brain tumor. Since UCSF is a research hospital, they keep her tumor cells to test against new treatments. That way, when the tumor returns, they will know which treatments will work.
Steffanie spent her first night in the ICU and then was transferred to a regular room the next day. She had her surgery on Monday, June 29th and was released from the hospital that Friday. Her surgeon, Dr. Mitchel Berger, did a fantastic job and was able to remove about 98% of the tumor (a gross total resection.) From this point on, we need to just keep an eye on it by having periodic MRIs.
This is my favorite picture. I call it "Gertie". Towards the end of Steffanie's stay, the physical and occupational therapists visited her and had her walking the hallways and stairs. She really started picking up speed with the walker and would have run down anything in her path.
A wheel chair was waiting for Steffanie at both airports. She brought her flowers and her balloons to the plane, but was not allowed to bring her balloons aboard the flight. Feeling bad that she was denied her balloons, the flight attendant gave Steffanie her wings.

Marcia and I did some hat shopping for Steffanie while she was recovering back at the hotel. We found her a nice hat at Australia Fare, an Australian store a few blocks from the hotel.
We returned home to a freshly mowed, balloon-lined yard with ribbons on the trees and house, and a nice Welcome Home banner. There was a freezer filled with frozen home-cooked meals as well as several fresh cooked meals brought to our house by many wonderful friends.