
Chicago 2012

Steffanie had her usual "every 4 months" MRI at Northwestern in Chicago in July. She thought it would be nice to bring the boys along and make a weekend out of it. It gave the boys a chance to see what we do every time she has an MRI and to meet her doctor. Dr. Raizer gave us continued good news, the scan was clear, and he gave the boys some syringes to play with (no needles). They had fun filling them up in the drinking fountain at the Cancer Center and using Dad for target practice.

We enjoyed our stay at the Palmer House Hilton near Millennium Park and visited many places for shopping, food and entertainment. And after the great cupcake debate, I think we all agreed that Sprinkles beat Crumbs.
Millennium Park
Navy Pier
We got a 3-ride ticket combo for the boys and they went on the swings, Ferris Wheel and the crazy thrill ride, The Lighthouse! Just look at how scared the other kids were on that ride.
A picture from the top of the Ferris Wheel.
Childrens Discovery Museum
I'm pretty sure our boys were the oldest non-adults in the childrens museum. Next time, we'll skip this one.
We got some silly photos in the photo booth at the museum.
Rainforest Cafe
Always a favorite stop for us when we visit Chicago.
Field Museum
Sue the T-Rex was named after the Paleontologist who discovered her in South Dakota in 1990. Sue is the most complete T-Rex ever found, between 80-90% complete. Most T-Rex are about 50% complete. The actual head of this T-Rex is over 600 lbs. and is on display in a separate case on the second floor. At this weight, it was too heavy to mount with the rest of her body.
Walls and artifacts from an Egyptian tomb. There were also unwrapped mummies, but I didn't take any pictures of that. Amazing how well preserved their skin was though.
This was from the Underground Adventure exhibit where they "shrink" you to 1/100th of your size to get a view from a bug's perspective.
Rock & Roll McDonald's
Sears Tower
A scaled down Lego replica of the Sears Tower. I know it's now the Willis Tower, but I still want to call it the Sears Tower.
The boys and I took a trip to Skydeck, the 103rd floor of the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere. Steffanie bravely stayed behind on the ground floor as we quickly ascended all 103 floors in under a minute. The Ledge is a set of 4 glass boxes protruding from Skydeck which gives you a fantastic view of the city, a view I never had when I was their age; when I last went up.

The Ledge is comprised of 3 layers of half-inch thick glass and I believe I heard can support the weight of an elephant. Well, it held us, and that was all I was concerned about!