Colin (birth)

It's Colin!!

This labor and delivery didn’t go quite as well as Liam’s. Steffanie had been feeling contractions all Friday afternoon. Around 6:30, we went to the hospital and she was dilated to 3 cm. The doctor broke her water and noticed that the baby had been in distress. Every time Steffanie had a contraction, the baby’s heart rate would go down. The doctors were concerned that the baby’s umbilical cord was wrapped around its neck – which it was. By the time Steffanie was dilated to 6 cm., the baby’s heart rate went down to 60 and didn’t come back up, so they had to perform an emergency C-section.

After a quick prep and short surgery, Colin Scott was born April 18, 2003 at 10:17 pm. He weighed 6 lbs 13 oz. and measured 19” long.